Lincoln Oaks Storage Tank, Pump Station, and Transmission Pipeline

California American Water, Sacramento County, California

The Lincoln Oaks potable water distribution system, which includes 26 well sites and one storage facility, struggled from limited fire flow capacity and system reliability. HydroScience provided planning, hydraulic modeling, and preliminary design for the potable water distribution system to identify the improvements necessary to upgrade system performance and meet peak hour and fire flow demands. 

To calibrate the model, HydroScience first updated all of the system demands by reviewing water use records, identifying land uses in the distribution system, evaluating pump curves, and performing fire flow testing. Calibrating the model identified the need for additional storage and pumping capacity in the southern portion of the system. HydroScience remodeled the largely well-driven system to determine operation with a storage tank versus supplying the system directly with groundwater. This evaluation was used to determine the size and configuration of the storage tank and pump station. HydroScience proceeded with the design of a new 1.5 MG water storage tank and 2,500 gpm booster station with new electrical service, standby power, SCADA, site work, and stormwater handling. To maximize the benefits of the storage tank, HydroScience recommended the installation of approximately 10,000 LF of new water mains, of which 5,400 LF is being constructed during an initial phase. 

Neighboring homes and businesses helped drive key project design issues, including the proposed tank height and type, the location of the pump station within a building, the type of pumps, aesthetic features of the building and site, and landscape treatments for visual screening. HydroScience then led a multi- faceted public outreach effort involving the CPUC, local water retailers, local residents (including an adjacent day care facility), and targeted community outreach to build consensus for the project and facilitate implementation. These outreach efforts helped to address potential project concerns before they became problematic, and helped to keep the project on schedule.